That's why it's plan b.
When dealing with plan B, just try not to be bitter.
Bitterness is unattractive, and good people survive horrid situations with the plastic plastered smile of courage on their face.
But it's hard to remain that same person after you've had your heart broken.
I used to be as deep as the pacific, but life is turning me shallow.
Shallow is safe and safe is good.
Safe is the relief you feel at the confirmation of your suspicions, "I knew his ass was cheating!"
Safe is the comatose like state you drink yourself into after the divorce papers are filed.
Safe is the realization that you don't need a man, cause they all ain't shit anyway.
Safe is telling your daughters that being a doctor is out of there reach and nursing is more realistic.
Safe is ignoring that burning sensation when peeing, cause your afraid to get tested.
Plan A was so much more dangerous. Plan B can only be less.
Plan B is safe and simple, the man you settled for cause your ovaries are withered with your deferred dreams of brown skin sons named Rashad.
And all though he doesn't love you like a tornado or overwhelm your senses like a tsunami, he has a good job and treats his mother right.
And a girl can only stand so many sleepless nights of pining away for plan A.
Plan A, now that was a plan.
It was smooth on the inside and shiny on the out, looked like it talked like it knew was the shit.
Plan A was the first thing you thought about when you woke up and sang you to sleep at night.
Plan A was first.
Plan A was right.
Plan A smeared your eyesight so you saw nothing but plan A.
So when plan A disappeared you stop seeing.
It's hard to accept blindness when your whole identity was built around vision.
Couldn't even imagine what a plan B would look like.
You were like plan B? What's that?
You learned that plan B was the option after the first.
The stars when you can't reach the moon.
Not the silver or the gold but the bronze.
A dream deferred into something less....
You wanted Jimmy Choo's?
But all they got are Steve Madden
You thought he had a condom on? Girl you better get a plan B!
Life is one big plan B.Wouldn't you have wanted heaven?
Is it so wrong to want what you want and think you deserve it?
Your life is a plan B.
Because your dad wanted a son.
So swallow that giant wad of plan B seed, but spit it out only when life isn't looking
Cause if you let it grow inside you
You become bitter with plan B. And good people don't.
Good people survive horrid situations with the plastic plastered smile of courage on their face.
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