Sunday, May 2, 2010

Thoughts on the End of my First Semester

Things I've Learned My First Semester

1. The Way the World Works
Apparently, humans all want the same thing. Some are just more aware of want they want then others. Some humans want to live basic. That is, to survive, they think about life day to day, worry about the here and now.
Others, we'll call them dreamers, think about life beyond the here and now. They dream about the future and wonder about the possibilities of life after their death. These people are the innovators, the Thomas Edison's, the Lena Horne's, the Susan B. Anthony's.
I strive to be like them. I want to live in a world where I use my present to make my future better for my kids, and their kids. For the generations to come long after I've died.

2. Real Friends Last

I've made a lot here in my first semester at UMBC. But I still feel just as confident in my relationships with the people I met in high school and middle school. #thatisall :)

3. Nobody Really Gives a Fuck
Plain and Simple. See number 5

4. It's Hard Living With a Stranger

But it's cool, when you guys have a little in common. My roommate was pretty cool. Guess you can say I made a new friend.

5. As you get Older, Shit Gets Realer

And it ain't even to much I can say about that. SMH

6. You Really Do Determine Your Life

EVERYTHING we do now, determines our future. And not just our future. Everyone's around us as well.

7. All Dreams don't come true, but sometimes that's okay

Sometimes, the dreams are just that; dreams. Hell, what would the world be like if everyone got what they wanted all the time anyway? Perfect

8.History really is important

And this I learned from watching "The History of Us" on the History Channel Sunday nights at 9. Definitely inspiring, and worthwhile. I learned that while some entertainer are good at what they do, they wont be remembered for anything significant. Real celebrity status comes when you change the fundamentals of basic human life. Not invent the latest dance style. We've got to stop teaching our kids to look up to Hollywood. The world is bigger than People Magazine.

9. College is over-rated...

Like a bitch.

10. ...but God willing, it'll be worth it.
Lord knows I hope I learn somethings, meet some people, and grow while I'm here.
I just hope I don't have to hurt nothing along the way. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

100 % trueee.
your blog is the truth .
is your real name imani cole ?
even if its not i like it
it has like a lil flare too it i guess lol .