Thursday, April 2, 2009

What NOW!!??

So i've been accepted into ( drumroll please)

Stevenson University
Fairliegh Dickinson University
Howard University
Drexel University

Chestnut Hill College

the problem lies within HU and DRexel
i just don't know.

HU- the mecca, acroos the street form OBzzy, much fun, wonderful culture, history, a great rep, fun, fun did i mention fun.

Drexel- private, technology based, has frickin Television major! Who does that? I does that, if i enroll, located in Philly, givin up the $$$

But my problems lies in the lack of diviersity in both schools.
Do i want to be the majority or minority.
What to do.
Help please, give honest opinons, i want to know!!
Share horror stories for both, if you have any!!


Ziggy Za. said...

I am so proud of you!!! Congrats on getting accepted into all those great schools, sis.

Drexel and HU are both excellent institutions; majority, minority or whatever! You'll make a good decision if you choose either one.

Congrats once again. And can we get a couple shows with you before you leave?! Sheesh!

nianicole said...

oh of course. i'll be there this summer. and thanks,, sadly..i'm soo confused. but i'll be good regardless of where i go.

- ari . said...

congrats ^_^