Today i had a momentary absent of sanity.
Let's just say i went off.
It all started cause i was supposed to take my driving license test.
Told everybody
Made a big "hoopla"
And didn't get the damn thing.
my grandmother's car wasn't registered.
So now i have to pay fifty and take my test whenever i get the chance.
Now that doesn't sound too bad.
But this is what i did.
I literally brokedown. It was soo embarrasing.
But this was something, i had desired dreamed about, and finally found the time to do.
And on top of that fifty fucking dollars for something i should have been had.
I learned that i shouldn't let my schedule fuck wit my brain like that again.
I started bringin other stuff in, the mess. Talking about how i'm failing physics
and i hate school. How i need to clean my room. And i kinda just wanna leave my body for a minute. I reminded me of United States of Tara. I would have gladly turned into a diffrent person at that moment. But the worse part is, it wasn't even that serious! I know i was tripping, but i could not control myself. I just equated so much to having my license....
And now, i'm just in a pissy mood. And i don't know for how long. All day people have been telling me how evil i look, and now i know what they're talking about. This is how i been feeling since sunday.
When that bitch D. Duncan set me up!lol. but that's a story in it's self.
So, nice nia, is taking a leave of absence till Monday. I think i'll just embrace it and be a bitch till then. it's just too strong to fight.